Genus: Aethiopocassis Spaeth, 1922

Cassida sgen. Aethiopocassis Spaeth, 1922 b: 1001 (type species: Cassida sjoestedti Spaeth, 1909, by monotypy); Hincks, 1952: 340 (as genus); Borowiec, 1994 a: 19 (as genus), 1999 d: 229.

Cassida sgen. Aethiopocassis Spaeth, 1924: 315 (type species: Cassida vigintimaculata Thunberg, 1789, designated by Hincks, 1952: 340); Seeno and Wilcox, 1982: 177, hom. et syn.

Aethiopocassis Borowiec & Świetojańska, 2018: 1-99 (revision).

Species (31, species with colour photos marked with an asterisk):


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