Aspidimorpha (Dianaspis) denticollis Spaeth, 1932

Aspidomorpha denticollis Spaeth, 1932 b: 200 (HT! in MM!); Medvedev and Eroshkina, 1988: 123 (as syn. of A. miliaris F.).

Aspidimorpha (Dianaspis) denticollis: Borowiec, 1999 d: 207; Świętojańska, 2001 c: 197 (incl. fig., colour photo); Borowiec and Sekerka, 2010: 369.

Dianaspis bifoveolata: Yu, 1983: 795 (nomen nudum).

Dianaspis bifoveolata Chen et Zia, 1984: 80, 82 (HT!, PT! in IZAS!, incl. fig.); Chen et al., 1986: 589, 636, pl. XIV (incl. colour fig.); Borowiec, 1992 c: 124 (as syn.).

Distr.: denticollis: Tonkin: Bao Lac; bifoveolata: Yunnan: Jingdong.

figure: male and female pronotum in colour
habitus in colour

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