Chelymorpha rufoguttata Spaeth, 1909
Chelymorpha rufoguttata Spaeth, 1909 b: 724 (ST! in MM!), 1914 g: 60, 1942 b: 30; Blackwelder, 1946: 745; Haitlinger, 1993 b: 281 (phoretic mites); Borowiec, 1996 a: 161, 1999 d: 103, 2002 a: 75, 2009 f: 652; Borowiec and Skuza, 2004: 448 (spermatheca).
Chelymorpha rubrovittata Spaeth, 1926 e: 19 (HT! in MM!); Blackwelder, 1946: 745.
Chelymorpha rufoguttata ab. ? rubrovittata: Spaeth, 1942 b: 30.
Distr.: rufoguttata Peruvia; rubrovittata: Nordperu: Huancabamba. Peru: Chanchamayo, Cuzco, Huancabamba, Oxapampa.
figure: habitus in colour (male of typical form)
figure: habitus in colour (ab. rubrovittata)
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