Coptocycla (Psalidonota) contemta (Boheman, 1855)
Psalidonota contemta Boheman, 1855: 82 (LT! in NRS!); Fiebrig, 1910: 195 (biology); Spaeth, 1914 g: 134; Tenebaum, 1927: 37; Buzzi, 1988: 574 (biology); Haitlinger, 1993 a: 68 (phoretic mites); Borowiec, 1996 a: 224.
Psalidonota contempta [sic]: Boheman, 1856: 156, 1862: 389.
Coptocycla (Psalidonota) contemta: Spaeth, 1936 b: 254, 1942 b: 33; Borowiec, 1999 d: 363; Sekerka, 2004: 156; Flinte et al., 2009: 584; Simรตes et al., 2021: 206.
Coptocycla contemta: Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3668; Blackwelder, 1946: 749; Wilcox, 1975: 157; Borowiec, 2002 a: 79, 2009 f: 657.
Psalidonota contemta: Buzzi, 1994: 209 (host plant).
Cassida pallida Olivier, 1808: 952 (TE in ?, incl. fig.), not C. pallida Thunberg, 1794; Boheman, 1855: 521, 1856: 204, 1862: 487; Spaeth, 1914 g: 134 (as syn.).
Coptocycla apialis Mannerh.: Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3668 (nomen nudum).
Coptocycla melanura Chevrol.: Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3668 (nomen nudum).
Host plant: Boraginaceae: Cordia cylindristachya (Lima, 1955); C. longipeda (Fiebrig, 1910); C. trichotoma (Buzzi, 1994).
Distr.: contemta: Cuba; Brasilia; Chiquitos; pallida: Guyane. N Argentina; Bolivia; Brazil: Goias, Mato Grosso, Parana, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina; Paraguay: Caaguazu, Guaira; Peru: Cusco.
figure: habitus in colour
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