Demotispa discoidea (Boheman, 1850)

Himatidium discoideum Boheman, 1850: 77 (HT in ?), 1856: 13; Wagener, 1881: 54; Spaeth, 1914 g: 14, 1938 c: 313.

Pseuimatidium discoideum: Aslam, 1965: 691; Borowiec, 1996 a: 225.

Imatidium discoideum: Blackwelder, 1946: 734.

Demotispa discoidea: Borowiec, 2000 g: 184; Borowiec and Moragues, 2005: 261.

Calliaspis rufula Boheman, 1850: 87 (HT in ?), 1856: 15, 1862: 34; Wagener, 1881: 56; Spaeth, 1914 g: 15, 1922 a: 172 (as syn. of discoideum); Blackwelder, 1946: 734.

Calliaspis puncata Wagener, 1881: 25; Spaeth, 1914 g: 15, 1922 a: 172 (as syn. of discoideum); Blackwelder, 1946: 734.

Distr.: discoideum: Bahia; rufula: Cayenna. Brazil: Bahia, Rio de Janeiro, Rio Grande do Sul; French Guyana.

figure: habitus in colour

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