Goniochenia (Baranosa) haroldi (Wagener, 1877)

Mesomphalia Haroldi Wagener, 1877: 60 (HT! in MM!), 1881: 76.

Pseudomesomphalia haroldi: Spaeth, 1914 g: 37.

Baranosa Haroldi: Spaeth, 1928 a: 37.

Goniochenia (Baranosa) haroldi: Spaeth, 1942 b: 18; Viana, 1964 b: 265 (incl. photo); Borowiec, 1999 d: 64.

Stolas haroldi: Blackwelder, 1946: 1946: 739.

Goniochenia haroldi: Borowiec, 1996: 187, 1998 b: 164, 2009 f: 671; Borowiec and Takizawa, 2011: 447.

Baranosa heroldi [sic]: Haitlinger, 1991: 389 (phoretic mites).

Baranosa decolor Weise, 1899 b: 268 (HT! in ZMHU!); Spaeth, 1901 a: 338, 1914 g: 30.

Baranosa decolor: Spaeth, 1902 a: 84; Haitlinger, 1991: 389 (parasite).

Goniochenia decolor: Spaeth, 1914: 338; Blackwelder, 1946: 737.

Goniochenia (Baranosa) haroldi ab. decolor: Spaeth, 1928: 37, 1942 b: 18.

Baranosa Bang-Haasi Spaeth, 1902 a: 84 (ST! in MM!, NMP!), 1928 a: 37.

Goniochenia (Baranosa) Bang-Haasi: Spaeth, 1914 g: 30.

Goniochenia (Baranosa) haroldi bang-haasi Spaeth, 1942 b: 18; Viana, 1964 b: 265.

Goniochenia bang-haasi: Blackwelder, 1946: 737.

Distr.: haroldi: Valdivia; decolor: Peru: Chanchomajo; banghaasi: Peru: Marcapata. Bolivia: Yungas de La Paz; Brazil: Chacara; Ecuador: Pastaza; Peru: Chanchamayo, Junin, Marcapata, Pasco, Pucalpa, Pulca, Rio Toro, Ucayali.

figure: habitus in colour (two forms)
habitus in colour (two forms)

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