Jonthonota nigripes (Olivier, 1790)
Cassida nigripes Olivier, 1790: 384, 1808: 959 (incl. fig.); Boheman, 1854: 362, 1856: 124, 1862: 299; Crotch, 1873: 77; Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3656.
Jonthonota nigripes: Spaeth, 1913 b: 141, 1914 g: 120; Barber, 1916: 121; Balsbaugh and Hays, 1972: 193; Wilcox, 1975: 156; Riley and Enns, 1979: 81; Riley, 1986: 106; Lawson, 1991: 574 (larva); Borowiec, 1996 a: 192, 1999 d: 378.
Cassida novemmaculata Mannerheim, 1843: 308 (ST! in IZPAS!); Boheman, 1854: 363, 1856: 124, 1862: 299; Crotch, 1873: 77 (as syn. of nigripes); Balsbaugh and Hays, 1972: 193 (as syn. of nigripes); Węgrzynowicz and Wąsowska, 1996: 41.
Jonthonota novemmaculata: Spaeth, 1913 b: 141, 1914 g: 120; Barber, 1916: 122.
Cassida atripes Le Conte, 1859: 28 (HT in MCZ); Spaeth, 1914 g: 120 (as syn.).
Cassida ellipsis Le Conte, 1859: 28 (HT in MCZ); Crotch, 1873: 77 (as syn. of nigripes).
Cassida nigripes var. ellipsis: Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3656.
Jonthonota nigripes var. ellipsis: Spaeth, 1914 g: 120.
Cassida rufa Dej.: Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3656 (nomen nudum).
Host plant: Convolvulaceae: Convolvulus sepium (Baker, 1895); Convolvulus incanus (Cockerell, 1903).
Distr.: nigripes: Amérique septentrionale; novemmaculata: California. Costa Rica: San Jose; S USA.
figure: habitus in colour (nominotypical form)
figure: habitus in colour (novemmaculata form)
previous species: mexicana