Laccoptera (Orphnodella) foveolata (Boheman, 1856)
Cassida foveolata Boheman, 1856: 116 (HT! in BMNH!); 1862: 284.
Aspidomorpha foveolata: Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3649.
Laccoptera (Laccoptera) foveolata: Spaeth, 1914 g: 82.
Laccoptera (Indocassis) foveolata: Spaeth in Hincks, 1952: 345.
Sindia foveolata: Maulik, 1919: 343.
Laccoptera (Orphnodella) foveolata: Borowiec, 1999 d: 223; Świętojańska, 2001 c: 261 (incl. fig., colour photo); Ghate et al. 2003: 530.
Laccoptera foveolata: Ranade et al., 2004: 783-796 (imm. stages, bionomy); Borowiec and Świętojańska, 2007: 287.
Host plants: Convolvulaceae: Ipomoea hederacea (= I. nil), Merremia umbellata (Ghate et al., 2003).
Distr.: India orientalis. Burma; India.
figure: habitus in colour
figure: feeding pattern on Ipomoea hederaceaprevious species: deremensis
next species: jawalagiriana