Stolas perjucunda (Baly, 1872)

Mesomphalia perjucunda Baly, 1872: 66 (ST! in BMNH, MM!); Gemminger and Harold, 1876: 3634; Wagener, 1881: 77.

Pseudomesomphalia periucunda [sic]: Spaeth, 1901 a: 343, 1911: 251, 1914 g: 40.

Stolas perjucunda: Blackwelder, 1946: 739; Borowiec, 1996 a: 241, 1998 b: 189, 1999 d: 150, 2002 a: 123; Sekerka, 2004: 161.

Pseudomesomphalia pascoei: Klausnitzer, 1981: 161 (misidentification, colour photo).

Distr.: Ecuador. Ecuador: Bańos, Macas, Tungurahua.

figure: habitus in colour

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